
Dada Lala Table

Syllabic poetry, made from the shape of your mouth

On the Dada-Lala Wall, you can see Kurt Schwitters singing the Ur-Sonata, make music yourself with your mouth and create your own syllabic poems. Like with pictures and music, syllabic poetry is made up of small individual units that come together to form a larger whole.

Facts & Data

  • Materials - Photographs, wood, loudspeakers, headphones, mp3 player, mirror, table with paper and pencils
  • Sound - Children's voices
  • Setting - Inside
  • Setup time - 45 minutes
  • Duration for use - Days, weeks, months
  • Space required - app. 2 x 2 meters
  • Electricity - 220 V / 50 W

Links & Downloads

Click here to log in for more details regarding technical specifications and details involved; password can be obtained from Michael Bradke.