

Stringtime is a “strings-only” ensemble that plays swingin' blues and jazz. Its repertoire is predominantly from the period between 1910 and 1950. Singer Dagi Jung-Schmitz is accompanied by Jupp Schmitz (tenor guitar), Bengt Burdack and Andreas Gerbig (jazz guitar) and Michael Bradke (string bass). Its unusual arrangements and the effervescent solos played by all its instrumentalists are the mark of this quiet but intensive band. Equipment can be provided for performances. Stage space requirements: 3x4 m. Duration: up to 3 sets, 45 minutes long each.

Jupp Schmitz:     +49 (0)211-4980242
Andreas Gerbig:  +49 (0)228-2497071
Michael Bradke:  +49 (0)211-371911